News and Analysis

Blacklists and Foreign Agents: Russia Targets US Media In Retaliation For RT Probe

Moscow threatening Russia-based U.S. media outlets over U.S. probe into RT and Sputnik.

1223 articles
Figure of the Week: 103

Figure of the Week: 103

A former Washington correspondent for Sputnik, Russia's state-sponsored news agency, says he received a 103-page handbook instructing reporters to "stay true to the national interest of the Russian Federation."
Figure of the Week: 10 million

Figure of the Week: 10 million

Facebook says about 10 million people in the United States viewed politically charged ads bought in Russia in the months before and after the 2016 U.S. election. According to a CNN report, some of the Facebook ads targeted Wisconsin and Michigan, two swing states.
StopFake: Bringing Facts Back To The Narrative

StopFake: Bringing Facts Back To The Narrative

Who is who? This rubric aims to shine a spotlight on the fast-growing community of fact-checkers. Through a series of profiles, it offers a personal look at some of the most successful initiatives currently fighting disinformation and debunking fake news.
Pages: 1 ... 99 100 101 ... 123

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