
Warning: Adult Discontent!

The Head of the Hermitage in St. Petersburg, one of the greatest museums in the world, has received an official complaint about displaying nude pictures in areas accessible for children.

138 articles
Acute Shortage of Real Russian Men

Acute Shortage of Real Russian Men

Vladimir Putin is Russia’s manliest man – according to the state institute for public opinion, VTsIOM. In a tight competition, the Russian president beat two actors, one of which is recently deceased.
Disinformation Goes Dada

Disinformation Goes Dada

This week saw the advent of an entirely new level of pro-Kremlin disinformation. Outlets are no longer bound to the traditional true/false paradigm, but have entered the realm of the absurd, the nonsens. How do we debunk Ayou Fyurrer na Huyutoo?
The Kremlin Snubs Own Mouth Piece

The Kremlin Snubs Own Mouth Piece

“Bring Donbas home to Mother Russia” – The Kremlin is scrambling to distance itself from the RT editor-in-chief, calling for a Russian annexation of the occupied territories in Eastern Ukraine. 
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Cases in the EUvsDisinfo database focus on messages in the international information space that are identified as providing a partial, distorted, or false depiction of reality and spread key pro-Kremlin messages. This does not necessarily imply, however, that a given outlet is linked to the Kremlin or editorially pro-Kremlin, or that it has intentionally sought to disinform. EUvsDisinfo publications do not represent an official EU position, as the information and opinions expressed are based on media reporting and analysis of the East Stratcom Task Force.

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