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Should you trust opinion polls in Russia?

Should you trust opinion polls in Russia?

Opinion polls in autocratic societies are always tricky. One of the reasons is that people being interviewed fear that polling is a set-up by security services to test regime loyalty. Being honest can have severe consequences – especially in times of war.
On a wild goose chase ahead of the 9th of May

On a wild goose chase ahead of the 9th of May

More than two months into Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine, the Kremlin’s disinformation machine is showing no signs of wear and tear. If anything, the contrary. Not least because the 9th of May – Europe Day for some, Victory Day for others – is approaching rapidly.
The Bucha massacre: How to deflect attention in Poland

The Bucha massacre: How to deflect attention in Poland

The Kremlin is seeking to dismiss the tragic Bucha massacre. The situation offers yet another illustration of the Kremlin playbook in such crises: using bots, launch spam attacks or ignite historic controversies, this time tailor-made to Poland.
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