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"TV Zvezda", 575 results
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Attacking the West, Putting Russians in Danger

Attacking the West, Putting Russians in Danger

The Kremlin campaign against Western vaccines has backfired, impeding Russia’s own drive for vaccination. Years of spreading conspiracy theories on national TV networks and doctored statistics on the pandemic have encouraged vaccine hesitancy in Russia.
Errare Humanum Est

Errare Humanum Est

There is a famous Latin quote: Errare humanum est, perseverare autem diabolicum. To err is human, but to persist in error is diabolical. Russian TV "by mistake" recently demonstrated imagery from a video game as documentary footage from fighting in Nagorno Karabakh. And "mistakes" is a persistent element in pro-Kremlin disinformation.
Tallies from the Crypt

Tallies from the Crypt

1.8 million dead voters gave Joe Biden the victory. This is a claim from Russian State TV. The very same number has appeared in connection with elections in the US since 2012. A Russian professor suggests voting rights to the deceased to a larger scale: 27 million Soviet victims of World War II should be allowed to vote!
Francophobes in the Kremlin

Francophobes in the Kremlin

Instead of sending love letters to the Élysée, the pro-Kremlin disinformation apparatus has taken France into its crosshairs by spreading lies and gross misogyny. Is Moscow afraid of something?
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