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"Russia TV", 1319 results
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Homophobic hate speech on <strong class='ep-highlight'>Russian</strong> <strong class='ep-highlight'>TV</strong>

Homophobic hate speech on Russian TV

Being gay is a mental disease, and same-sex marriage is not much different from someone marrying your dog. With this kind of messaging, pro-Kremlin media aim to paint an image of Russia as a safe haven for traditional values, in contrast with an image of Europe as a place where…
Empty European stores on <strong class='ep-highlight'>Russian</strong> <strong class='ep-highlight'>TV</strong>

Empty European stores on Russian TV

“European consumers face shortage of vegetables in supermarkets”, Russian state-controlled TV Pervy Kanal told its audience earlier this month, and continued: “Stores in the UK, Norway and Denmark are unusually empty. Those supplies that are left in stock are sold only under strict rationing”. Images of empty…
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