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"US support terrorism", 1226 results
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Desperately Seeking Recognition

Desperately Seeking Recognition

Crimea is Ukraine. However, the Kremlin and its propaganda machinery will go many extra miles to seek out support of the inaccurate claim that Crimea’s status changed as a result of Russia’s invasion in 2014. 
Figure of the Week: 50 million

Figure of the Week: 50 million

The data analytics firm Cambridge Analytica took private information from more than 50 million U.S. Facebook users without their permission to support Donald Trump's 2016 presidential campaign, one of the biggest breaches in Facebook's history.
Smart Voting vs Outsmarting Democracy

Smart Voting vs Outsmarting Democracy

The Smart Voting concept has caused panic in the Kremlin. There was a clear and present danger that the voters would support candidates not controlled by the authorities in the election this week. The Kremlin needed new approaches to manage the voting process, to outsmart democracy.
Pages: 1 ... 8 9 10 ... 123


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