News and Analysis

I want to ride my bicycle

The story of the Dutchman trying to immigrate to Belarus on his bike fits the narrative of Westerners escaping the West’s moral decay.

1223 articles
A Battle of Beer

A Battle of Beer

A Russian politician suggests to punish the Czech Republic with a ban on import of Czech beer. Forcing the Czechs to drink their own yellow fizzy stuff would make them sober up.
Figure of the Week: 77

Figure of the Week: 77

77 per cent of the Russians fear occasionally or permanently arbitrariness of the authorities. According to a survey by the independent Russian polling institute Levada, the Russians fear the government more than they fear death.
One Lie Fits All

One Lie Fits All

“Russia is under attack!” The Kremlin disinformation ecosystem has a universal explanation for any crisis: “It’s an attack from the West!”
Pages: 1 ... 35 36 37 ... 123

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