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How invading Russian forces destroyed media in Ukraine’s occupied territories and what they built instead

In the two years of their occupation, Russian invaders have either destroyed or 'Russified’ all Ukrainian media outlets operating in the temporarily occupied regions of Ukraine, affecting at least 300 editorial offices in the Zaporizhzhia, Kherson, and Luhansk regions.

870 articles
Force feeding fears and summoning bogeymen

Force feeding fears and summoning bogeymen

Pro-Kremlin outlets continue to force-feed Russian audiences with illusionary fears, conjuring up non-existent enemies. All this to drum up war hysteria and invoke primal reactions, to be harnessed in service of the Kremlin’s agenda later on.
Years of war

Years of war

War has become an essential, almost sought-after state of affairs in Russia. We look at some recent developments in society.
Reflection on two years of war and disinformation

Reflection on two years of war and disinformation

The Kremlin's lies, deceit and disinformation have systematically fuelled Russia brutal war of aggression against Ukraine. Two years later, Ukraine fights bravely on and we continue to expose Russia's lies. Don't be deceived.
Pages: 1 2 3 ... 87




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