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"Sputnik", 379 results
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Three Things You Should Know About RT and <strong class='ep-highlight'>Sputnik</strong>

Three Things You Should Know About RT and Sputnik

RT (Russia Today) and Sputnik are the two foreign language flagships of Russia’s campaign to influence international public opinion. Both outlets present themselves as media that provide alternative views to the mainstream in international news reporting. However, before accepting this premise, three fundamental differences between these outlets and what is…
Perceptions matter

Perceptions matter

EU citizens believe that there is considerable work to be done in ensuring the independence of their media. This paves the way for alternative news sources, such as RT and Sputnik.
Great expectations

Great expectations

In its coverage of the St. Petersburg Economic Forum, Sputnik’s tries to raise expectations and illustrate a split among EU Member States.
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