
Як ми збираємо матеріал

Під час відбору робіт дотримується баланс між академічною глибиною й авторитетністю, а також широтою поглядів і зацікавлень, що виходять за межі академічних. Ми запровадили заходи контролю якості, а відбір матеріалів ґрунтувався на п’яти наведених нижче тематичних напрямках.

Issue area 1
Суб’єкти загрози

Цей тематичний напрямок присвячено діяльності основних суб’єктів загрози, а саме Росії та Китаю, їхнім цілям, мотивам і можливостям.

Issue area 2
Методи й інструменти

Цей напрямок охоплює методи й інструменти, що використовуються суб’єктами загрози для маніпулювання інформацією: соціальні мережі, наративи, нові технології тощо.

Issue area 3
Напрями втручання

Цей тематичний напрямок зосереджений на суспільно-політичних галузях, на які спрямовані дії суб’єктів загрози: соціальна згуртованість, політичні процеси, охорона здоров’я, безпека й зовнішня політика.

Issue area 4

Цей тематичний напрямок зосереджений на наслідках FIMI (іноземних маніпуляцій інформацією та втручань) з точки зору результатів: когнітивний вплив, соціальний і політичний поділ, проєкція «м’якої сили» тощо.

Issue area 5

Цей тематичний напрямок передбачає класифікацію типів реагування на FIMI (іноземні маніпуляції інформацією та втручання) з боку різних зацікавлених сторін: регуляторні, проактивні й саморегуляторні заходи, контрзаходи та політичні рекомендації.


Суб’єкти загрози:
Методи й інструменти:
Напрями втручання:
176 результатів
Список Плитка
2024 | Defense & Security Analysis | Article
Artificial Intelligence and Information Warfare in Major Power States: How the US, China, and Russia Are Using Artificial Intelligence in Their Information Warfare and Influence Operations
Автор: Hunter, Lance Y.,Craig D. Albert; Josh Rutland; Kristen Topping; Christopher Hennigan
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A paper examining how the United States, China, and Russia are incorporating AI in their information warfare strategies and tactics and the implications of this trend for international security.

2024 | RAND Corporation | Report
The Future of Indo-Pacific Information Warfare: Challenges and Prospects from the Rise of AI
Автор: Hanson, Russell; Adam R. Grissom; Christopher A. Mouton
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A study of the implications of AI-powered information warfare in the Indo-Pacific for regional and global security, inclluding recommendations on near term responses.

2024 | Journal of Information Warfare | Article
Hybrid Cyber Threats: Lithuanian Context
Автор: Štitilis, Darius; Marius Laurinaitis; Matt Warren
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An analysis of hybrid cyber threats within the Lithuanian context, focusing on the examination of national strategies to mitigate them and identifying potential areas for improvement.

2024 | Journal of Information Warfare | Article
‘No-One Likes a Cry Baby’: The Effectiveness of Victimization Narratives in External Information Operations
Автор: Ackerman, Gary; Annie Sundelson; Anna Wetzel
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A study investigating the extent to which victimisation narratives in state information campaigns are effective in influencing external audiences, with a focus on Russia and China.

2024 | AI & Society | Article
Losing the Information War to Adversarial AI
Автор: Mantello, Peter; Manh-Tung Ho
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A short, pesssimistic review of the implications of conversational AI (eg, ’empathy bots’) on information warfare.

2023 | IEEE | Article
Sharpening the Spear: China’s Information Warfare Lessons from Ukraine
Автор: Beach-Westmoreland, Nate
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An analysis of the lessons about information warfare that the Chinese government is likely to draw from Russia war in Ukraine as viewed through the lens of US proxy conflicts.

2023 | The Hague Centre for Strategic Studies | Report
Cognitive Warfare as Part of Society Never-Ending Battle for Minds
Автор: Burda, Robin
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A study of measures to combat Russian informationa operations targeting Ukraine and the Czech Republic covering three levels: government, media, civil society.

2023 | RAND Corporation | Report
The Rise of Generative AI and the Coming Era of Social Media Manipulation 3.0: Next-Generation Chinese Astroturfing and Coping with Ubiquitous AI
Автор: William Marcellino, Nathan Beauchamp-Mustafaga, Amanda Kerrigan, Lev Navarre Chao, Jackson Smith
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A report on the implications of generative AI for information warfare, arguing that the technology poses a potential national security threat in terms of the risk of misuse by Russia, China and other adversaries in social media manipulation.

2023 | Journal of Information Warfare | Article
Destabilising a Regime to Support a Military Campaign, and Vice Versa
Автор: Jesse Burdick
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An article on China’s use of information warfare to destabilise foreign regimes in the midst of a potential military or political crisis with democratic governments (drawing lessons from Japan’s experience during the Russo-Japanese War in 1904-05).

2023 | Journal of Information Warfare | Article
The Space of Influence: Developing a New Method to Conceptualise Foreign Information Manipulation and Interference on Social Media
Автор: Paul Magnus Hjertvik Buvarp
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A study adapting ‘morphological’ theory to conceptualise social media disinformation threatening democratic processes along five parameters: spread strategy, information channelling, market targeting, presented source, and operational openness.

2023 | RAND Corporation | Article
The Nightingale Versus the Bear: What Persuasion Research Reveals About Ukraine’s and Russia’s Messaging on the War
Автор: Alyssa Demus, Khrystyna Holynska, Krystyna Marcinek
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A report exploring the comparative success of Russia’s and Ukraine’s information campaigins arguing that the popular discourse professing that Russia has lost the information war is oversimplified.

2023 | Great Power Cyber Competition: Competing and Winning in the Information Environment | Chapter
Toward a Whole-of-Society Framework for Countering Disinformation
Автор: JD Maddox, Casi Gentzel, Adela Levis
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A study of measures to combat disinformation, including resilience, regulations, public diplomacy, strategic signalling and counter messaging.

2023 | The Cyber Defense Review (Army Cyber Institute) | Article
Weaponizing Words: Using Technology to Proliferate Information Warfare
Автор: Craig Douglas Albert, Samantha Mullaney, Joseph Huitt, Lance Y. Hunter, Lydia Snider
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A review of ways that the United States could improve its capacity in information warfare against China, with policy recommendations.

2023 | Cyber Security Policies and Strategies of the World's Leading States | Chapter
Cognitive Warfare: A Psychological Strategy to Manipulate Public Opinion
Автор: Szde Yu
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A study of cognitive warfare and psychological strategies seeking to gradually influence the targeted public’s beliefs, opinions and perceptions with an empirical focus on the China-Taiwan relationship.

2023 | Comparative Strategy | Article
Russian Full Spectrum Conflicts and Information Warfare as Complex Adaptive Systems: The 2014 Crimean Case Study
Автор: Riccardo Allegri
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A study of asymmetrical information tactics through the lens of Complex Adaptive Systems that seeks to demonstrate how, by controlling the information flow during the Russian annexation of Crimea, Moscow applied complexity to the adversary on the one hand and stabilised the Crimean social system on the other.

Сторінки: 1 2 3 ... 12


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