News and Analysis

Through the Looking Glass in the Kremlin

True introspective moments of honesty may be few and far between for those who live in the upside down world of “through the looking glass”, and whose mirror image only shows figures of the Kremlin’s imagined past glory.

1223 articles
When Words Kill – from Moscow to Mariupol

When Words Kill – from Moscow to Mariupol

A lot of hate speech accompanies Kremlin speak. From Putin’s articles and speeches in key state media blessing genocide to former president Medvedev wanting people and Ukraine itself “to disappear” . The road to atrocities begins with hate speech. A road from Moscow to Bucha, Irpin, Mariupol and other places of atrocities.
Should you trust opinion polls in Russia?

Should you trust opinion polls in Russia?

Opinion polls in autocratic societies are always tricky. One of the reasons is that people being interviewed fear that polling is a set-up by security services to test regime loyalty. Being honest can have severe consequences – especially in times of war.
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