News and Analysis

Finland and Sweden Keep Marching On

Despite the Kremlin continuing its attempts to obstruct Finnish and Swedish NATO accession and intimidate decision makers and citizenry of those countries, the accession process continues to move forward.

1223 articles
Day of Solidarity with Political Prisoners in Belarus - 27 November

Day of Solidarity with Political Prisoners in Belarus - 27 November

The number of political prisoners in Belarus is growing with now near 1,450; up from 1,000 in February. The war in Ukraine and solidarity of Belarusians and civil society with Ukraine grant new reasons for the Lukashenka’s regime to target ordinary civilians. Even civic activism and basic right of freedom of expression online are under heavy scrutiny and prosecution.
The Little Tractor that Could

The Little Tractor that Could

Two Polish citizens lost their lives because of Russia’s continuing military aggression against Ukraine and their reckless missile strike campaign against civilians and civilian infrastructure in Ukraine.
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