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"Syria", 184 results
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Dependent media - Russia’s military TV Zvezda

Dependent media - Russia’s military TV Zvezda

"The chemical attack in Idlib in Syria on 7 April this year was a piece of “fake news” and a staged operation from the side of the rebels, which aimed at discrediting Syria’s government forces". So was the message in a seven minutes long report broadcast last week in Russia by the TV channel and online outlet Zvezda. In order to assess the relevance of Zvezda’s production as a contribution to throwing light on the Idlib attack, it makes sense to ask what kind of outlet Zvezda is and what interest it would have in making this sensational claim.
Fake news, criticism and censorship

Fake news, criticism and censorship

Speaking at the third Russia-China media forum in Moscow recently, Sputnik and RT's Editor in Chief proposed that Russian and Chinese media should work togetherto tackle "fake news". She did not go further into detail on how that should be done. But as an example she deployed a reoccurring disinformation theme - that of the White Helmets allegedly manipulating and staging situations in Syria.
When You Can't Trust a Liar is Lying – Who Can You Trust?

When You Can't Trust a Liar is Lying – Who Can You Trust?

Crimea-based pro-Kremlin disinformation outlet News Front publishes an article describing the atrocities performed by Syrian Dictator Bashar al-Assad and how "Putin's Cyber Warriors obfuscate and confuse evidence for war crimes". How come a "reliable" source of disinformation can suddenly be changing its policies?
Disinformation & elections in Moldova

Disinformation & elections in Moldova

Moldova’s new government, oriented towards reforms and collaboration with the EU, is the target of different kinds of disinformation and manipulation. Accusations include that President Sandu is eroding family values, that she is importing large groups of Syrian refugees, and that she is incapable of managing the country with a government that does not accept following Moscow. Just add a gas crisis and it’s a classic tactic from the Kremlin playbook.
Repeating a Lie Does Not Make it True

Repeating a Lie Does Not Make it True

Regurgitation is the editorial policy of pro-Kremlin media. Old claims are re-chewed, spewed up and repeated. The ever-handy idea of "false flag operations" can be used and reused infintely. But repeating lies does not make them true.
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Cases in the EUvsDisinfo database focus on messages in the international information space that are identified as providing a partial, distorted, or false depiction of reality and spread key pro-Kremlin messages. This does not necessarily imply, however, that a given outlet is linked to the Kremlin or editorially pro-Kremlin, or that it has intentionally sought to disinform. EUvsDisinfo publications do not represent an official EU position, as the information and opinions expressed are based on media reporting and analysis of the East Stratcom Task Force.

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