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"conspiracy", 382 results
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Disinformation as Dialogue

Disinformation as Dialogue

Disinformation evolves in a dialogue between Russia and Western Europe. This can be illustrated by the current political term of "sovereignism"; the term has zag-zaged across Europe since the 19th century to become part of an anti-democratic agenda of the Kremlin.
“Carthage Must be Destroyed”

“Carthage Must be Destroyed” is a site, managed in Russia and published in several languages in an attempt to reach an international audience. A case-study on the Italian version demonstrates means and methods of pro-Kremlin disinformation efforts.
Disinformation Review: A State of Panic

Disinformation Review: A State of Panic

One element that strikes anyone who is following pro-Kremlin media is an omnipresent state of fear, anxiety, panic, anguish… Everything is sinking, breaking down, crumbling to pieces. This week's cases of disinformation is a catalogue of Kremlin's horrors
“US Provoking Hunger Riots in Europe”

“US Provoking Hunger Riots in Europe”

The looming hunger in Europe; the irreproachable elections in Russia; the Israeli trail in 9/11 and the art of regurgitating old lies on Soviet Russia’s part in the partitioning of Poland in 1939: this and much more in this week’s Disinformation Review.
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Cases in the EUvsDisinfo database focus on messages in the international information space that are identified as providing a partial, distorted, or false depiction of reality and spread key pro-Kremlin messages. This does not necessarily imply, however, that a given outlet is linked to the Kremlin or editorially pro-Kremlin, or that it has intentionally sought to disinform. EUvsDisinfo publications do not represent an official EU position, as the information and opinions expressed are based on media reporting and analysis of the East Stratcom Task Force.

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