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“Biological weapons are banned; biological research is not”

Dr. Jean-Pascal Zanders, founder of The Trench and an independent expert on disarmament questions tells about the crucial differences between legitimate biological research and the development of biological weapons and why Russia is spreading disinformation about biological research in Ukraine

867 articles
China’s balancing act on the Ukraine war

China’s balancing act on the Ukraine war

Chinese media and officials have made it clear: it is not Russia that is to blame for the military aggression against Ukraine, but the West and NATO’s eastward expansion of the past 20 years, ignoring Russia’s ‘legitimate security concerns’.
Do Not Resist the Liberation

Do Not Resist the Liberation

Russia readjusts the goals of its “special military operation” and frames the war as a “liberation” while the disinformation onslaught against Ukraine continues.
Forced Support

Forced Support

At a pro-war rally in Moscow, tens of thousands of Muscovites were bribed or forced to demonstrate unity behind the leader.
The harder you push, the harder they resist

The harder you push, the harder they resist

Due to an undeniable lack of the expected progress, Russia is resorting to ever more grim methods of warfare. At the same time, the Kremlin’s disinformation machinery incessantly repeats the delusion that the invasion is “developing successfully” and “going to plan”.
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