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Fact-checking Tools

Anti-misinformation actions by Poynter

A guide to anti-misinformation actions around the world. What is the focus of tackling disinformation per country? What is its current state of play?

Fact-checking Tools


Read recent research and analysis exposing disinformation by Digital Forensic Research Lab and become a Digital Sherlock.

Fact-checking Tools

DISARM Framework

DISARM is an open-source, master framework for fighting disinformation for those cooperating in the fight against disinformation. It provides a common playbook, language and approaches for diverse teams and organizations to coordinate their efforts and act in harmony.

Fact-checking Tools

EU Disinfo Lab

Tools for monitoring and analysis gathered by the EU Disinfo Lab think tank.

Fact-checking Tools

European Digital Media Observatory

Find your local fact-checker in the EU with EDMO. Check their site for the map of fact-checking initiatives across all EU member states, recent debunks, analysis and much more.

Fact-checking Tools

International fact-checking Network

Find your local fact-checker worldwide among the signatories of the code of principles of the International Fact-Checking Network.

Fact-checking Tools

Mapping media policy and journalism

The mapping by the Centre for Media Pluralism and Media Freedom offers, among other topics, information about media ownership, whistleblowing protection, freedom of information across the EU.

Fact-checking Tools

Open Source Tools by Bellingcat

Collection of open source tools for online investigations and fact-checking. Trainings, analysis, investigations recommended by Bellingcat, an independent international collective of researchers, investigators and citizen journalists.

Fact-checking Tools

OSINT Framework

A comprehensive collection of open source intelligence (OSINT) tools and resources.

Fact-checking Tools

WeVerify Verification Plugin

An open source platform aiming to engage communities and citizen journalists alongside newsroom and freelance journalists for collaborative, decentralised content verification, tracking, and debunking. Accessible from your browser.



Зарегистрированные в базе данных EUvsDisinfo случаи дезинформации основаны на сообщениях в международном информационном пространстве, которые были идентифицированы как представляющие частичное, искаженное или ложное отражение реальности и распространяющие ключевые прокремлевские нарративы. Однако это не обязательно означает, что указанное СМИ связано с Кремлем или его редакция является прокремлевской или что оно намеренно пыталось дезинформировать свою аудиторию. Материалы EUvsDisinfo не отражают официальную позицию ЕС, поскольку изложенная информация и мнения основаны на сообщениях средств массовой информации и их анализе, предоставленном Оперативной рабочей группой по стратегическим коммуникациям.


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