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Teaching Tools

Better Internet for kids

Resources for teachers, parents and children. Lessons plans, courses, games and teaching resources and discover the online world safely. Platform run by Safer Internet Centres, the European network, which informs, advises and assists children, parents, teachers and carers on digital questions and fights against online child sexual abuse.
Multiple languages

Teaching Tools

Check or Cheat

A collection of educational material for secondary education students and teachers to learn how to critically evaluate media content, fact check and build resilience to disinformation. Features teacher training, cards game, educational material.
Available in English, Greek, Lithuanian and Spanish

Teaching Tools

Conspiracy Theories: what teachers need to know

Guidebook on conspiracy theories prepared by UNESCO.
Available in English

Teaching Tools

Council of Europe

Reference Framework of Competences for Democratic Culture. The Council of Europe has developed a set of learning activities that may be used in primary and secondary education, all of which are based directly on the disinformation challenges raised by the COVID-19 pandemic.
Available in English and French

Teaching Tools

Council of Europe Materials

Dealing with propaganda, misinformation and fake news, definitions, recommendations.
Available in English and French

Teaching Tools

Countering Disinformation Guidebook

The guide is divided into three categories, examining the roles of specific stakeholder groups in building a democratic information space, legal, normative, and research responses, as well as dimensions for addressing disinformation and other harmful forms of content targeting women and marginalized groups.
Available in Arabic, English, French, Russian, Spanish.

Teaching Tools


Creative Audiovisual Lab. The aim of the project is to enhance critical thinking and media literacy among young people between 14-19 years old, parents, and educational staff. Features and online training for teachers and trainers.
Available in English

Teaching Tools

Digital resistance handbook for teachers

Handbook for teachers by the Council of Europe on how to support their students to recognise fake news and false information found in the online environment.
Available in English

Teaching Tools

Disarming Disinformation

List of resources by the Global Engagement Center (GEC) of the U.S. Department of State. It includes infographics, taxonomy and literature, among others.
Available in English

Teaching Tools

DO’s and DON’Ts on Twitter: Defend Democracy

The list of basic actions to deal with disinformation and propaganda on Twitter. suitable for all twitter users and to explore in classrooms. Prepared by the Defend Democracy NGO.

Available in English

Teaching Tools

E-learning: vaccination

E-learning course on how to address online vaccination misinformation offered by the European Centre for Disease Control.
Available in English

Teaching Tools

eSafety Commissioner

Australian parent guide to mental health: webinars, resources and trainings to help young people develop strategies for their mental health while they are online.
Available in English

Teaching Tools


Teaching Media Literacy with eTwinning. Best practices, project ideas.
Available in English

Teaching Tools

EU Gudelines for teachers and educators

The Guidelines for teachers and educators on tackling disinformation and promoting digital literacy through education provide hands-on guidance for teachers and educators, including practical tips, activity plans, insights on topics and cautionary notes grounded in what works as concerns digital literacy and education and training.

Available in English, Bulgarian, German, French

Teaching Tools

EU Neighbours East

Training opportunities for media and Civil Society Organizations across Eastern Partnership countries.
Available in English, Armenian, Azeri, Georgian, Romanian, Russian and Ukrainian

Teaching Tools

EuroGuide Toolkit

The guide offers teachers and social workers practical tools to respond to socio-political or religious arguments in order to prevent radicalisation in the school. Guidance is offered on how to create resilient environments and safe spaces where vulnerable young people can open up, sharpen their social and emotional skills, and improve their self-esteem.
Available in English, Dutch, French, Hungarian, Italian and Swedish

Teaching Tools


European Schoolnet has published an online MOOC to foster critical thinking and tackle online disinformation through intergenerational collaboration and community engagement. The course is targeted at primary and secondary school teachers of any subject.
Available in English

Teaching Tools


Fakescape is an escape game teaching media literacy to high school students (14+). It can be played in a classroom during a 45 minutes class. Run by a Czech NGO.

Available in English and Czech

Teaching Tools

Get Your Facts Straight

The platform offers a 10-hour media literacy training course on disinformation on social media for 14–16-year-olds as well as their parents and grandparents. The course focuses on what disinformation is, why it is vastly present on social media, and how to recognise and respond to disinformation. The course can be implemented both in schools, as well as in non-formal educational settings such as youth clubs, libraries and NGOs. By ALL DIGITAL.
Available in English, Bulgarian, Catalan, Croatian, German, Italian, Latvian, Romanian and Spanish

Teaching Tools

Global Media and Information Literacy Week

Resources, best practices, events across the globe marking the Global Media and Information Literacy Week.
Available in English, French, Spanish, Russian, Arabic and Chinese

Teaching Tools

Guide for Public Communicators

Strategic Communications guide for public communicators with strategies development and response examples developed by EUvsDisinfo.
Available in English

Teaching Tools

ISD Explainers

An overview of extremist narratives, movements and actors. Offers background and history of the term, related narratives and background reading. Terms include among others ‘The Manosphere’, ‘The New World Order’, ‘Accelerationism’, ‘The Great Replacement’ and ‘The Order of Nine Angels’. By Institute of Strategic Dialogue.
Available in English

Teaching Tools


Digital literacy in the MENA-region that targets young people and educators. I promotes media literacy with educational short videos filmed in the region as well as offers pedagogical material for educators.
Available in English, French and Arabic

Teaching Tools

News Literacy Project

News Literacy Project provides programs and resources for educators and the public to teach, learn and share the abilities needed to be smart, active consumers of news and information, and equal and engaged participants in a democracy.
Available in English

Teaching Tools

OECD Assessment rubrics

Assessment rubrics for critical thinking (largely to be used in formative feedback).
Available in English

Teaching Tools

Online Media Literacy Resources

A list of online resources recommended by the UK government. The list includes tips on reporting inappropriate content, preventing online harassment, cyberbullying and much more.

Available in English


Teaching Tools

RAN Collection

More than 200 inspiring practices on preventing radicalisation to terrorism and violent extremism.
Available in English

Teaching Tools

She Persisted

A Digital Resilience Toolkit for Women in Politics with respond and prevention techniques. Offered by She Persisted.
Available in English

Teaching Tools

The Wall of Beliefs

Toolkit for understanding false beliefs and developing effective counter-disinformation strategies.
Available in English

Teaching Tools

The World Unplugged

This activity requires asking a group (a classroom/a group of students) to avoid all screens, connections and media activity for 24 hours. After that, follows a guided discussion about how they have felt during that time, how dependent they are from technology, and positive and negative outcomes after being disconnected.
Available in English

Teaching Tools

Toolkit for Teachers

Spot and fight disinformation: presentation and introduction booklet including real life examples and group exercises for your classroom.
Available in all EU languages

Teaching Tools

UNESCO resources

Media Information Literacy Tools for Teachers offered by UNESCO.
Available in multiple languages

Teaching Tools

UNESCO: Think critically, click wisely!

A comprehensive guide by UNESCO Media and information literate citizens: Think critically, click wisely! is a curriculum for educators and learners. 2021 edition.

Available in English

Teaching Tools

Very Verified

Online course on Media Literacy developing critical thinking. It’s available in 3 different learning modules, and covers topics such as media landscape, types of media, social media and disinformation and manipulation. Developed by IREX.
Available in English, Estonian, Latvian, Lithuanian and Russian

Teaching Tools

Медіапутівник: як розпізнавати якісну інформацію та чому це важливо?

Cерія з дев’яти коротких відеолекцій, які пояснюють, що таке якісний медіапродукт, яким стандартам мають відповідати правдиві інформаційні повідомлення та як медіа часто можуть маніпулювати свідомістю споживачів інформації. Ця серія відеолекцій створена експертками Інституту демократії імені Пилипа Орлика / POID, авторитетної української організації, що спеціалізується на розвитку незалежних медіа та розширенні можливостей громадянського суспільства.

Кожен із дев’яти епізодів цього відеокурсу присвячений одній темі та триває в середньому сім хвилин. Ця серія щодо розвитку медіаграмотності пропонує низку корисних інструментів, які допомагають навчитися відрізняти якісну інформацію від низькоякісної та вміти самостійно її перевіряти.




Зарегистрированные в базе данных EUvsDisinfo случаи дезинформации основаны на сообщениях в международном информационном пространстве, которые были идентифицированы как представляющие частичное, искаженное или ложное отражение реальности и распространяющие ключевые прокремлевские нарративы. Однако это не обязательно означает, что указанное СМИ связано с Кремлем или его редакция является прокремлевской или что оно намеренно пыталось дезинформировать свою аудиторию. Материалы EUvsDisinfo не отражают официальную позицию ЕС, поскольку изложенная информация и мнения основаны на сообщениях средств массовой информации и их анализе, предоставленном Оперативной рабочей группой по стратегическим коммуникациям.


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