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Pro-Kremlin Propagandist - the Most Popular Russian “Journalist” of 2020

A state-owned polling agency names Vladimir Solovyov, a prominent pro-Kremlin disinformation personality the journalist of the year. But the poll results are not what they seem.

870 articles


In this series of articles we explore the world of Kremlin Storytelling. An approach to disinformation that allows the disinformation operative to create an attractive story with a hero, a villain and a victim.
What Happened in 2020?

What Happened in 2020?

2020 has brought many challenges and with them - a large volume of disinformation. Here’s an overview of the main trends observed by EUvsDisinfo.
Bestiarium Kremlinensis A – Z

Bestiarium Kremlinensis A – Z

Fear is the main element in Russian politics. The EUvsDisinfo has outlined a few of the phobias, plaguing the Kremlin leadership. Explore the nightmares of the Kremlin State of Fear and meet the Bestiarium Kremlinensis.
The Embarrassment of Failure

The Embarrassment of Failure

In a recorded telephone conversation, an FSB officers confesses to to the poisoning of Alexei Navalny. Mr Navalny called the officer personally, posing as a superior officer and talked to his attacker for almost an hour.
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Cases in the EUvsDisinfo database focus on messages in the international information space that are identified as providing a partial, distorted, or false depiction of reality and spread key pro-Kremlin messages. This does not necessarily imply, however, that a given outlet is linked to the Kremlin or editorially pro-Kremlin, or that it has intentionally sought to disinform. EUvsDisinfo publications do not represent an official EU position, as the information and opinions expressed are based on media reporting and analysis of the East Stratcom Task Force.

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