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Throwing Darts to See What Sticks

Throwing Darts to See What Sticks

This week’s cases take us on a frenzied ride through topics that have been preoccupying the pro-Kremlin media over the last several weeks: coronavirus, protests, historical revisionism, MH17, Ukraine, NATO. Disinformation to suit every possible palate.
The Kremlin’s main target of disinformation…

The Kremlin’s main target of disinformation…

Ukraine is the main target in Kremlin’s disinformation. Since 2014, massive efforts continue to cover up Russia’s occupation of Crimea, military support to separatists in Donbas and defamation of the Kyiv government. Attempts to re-write history and distort uncomfortable facts are directed at Russian or Ukrainian-speaking groups as well as audiences in Europe, in the Arab world and beyond. All tailor-made for impact.
Looking for distractions and driving divisions

Looking for distractions and driving divisions

Kremlin disinformation outlets seek to distract from the Ukrainian counter-offensive and the aftermath of Prigozhin’s rebellion, setting their sights on the NATO Summit in Vilnius and the US decision to deliver cluster munitions to Ukraine. Their aim is clear – divide Ukraine’s allies and distract from the trouble brewing at home.
Whodunnit this week?

Whodunnit this week?

The US as the main actor behind the 'yellow vests' protests. Ukraine as the provocateur of war, preparing a chemical attack. Both got their part in the pro-Kremlin disinformation campaign this week. What a convenient way of shifting focus from the actors performing disinformation!
In Russia, the NGO Memorial is still working to protect human rights despite the state’s attempts to close it down

In Russia, the NGO Memorial is still working to protect human rights despite the state’s attempts to close it down

With court rulings in late December 2021, Russian authorities are determined to close down one of the oldest and most respected group of human rights NGOs in Russia; the Memorial. EUvsDisinfo interviewed Alexandra Polivanova, member of the Board of the International Memorial about the actual reasons behind the persecution, the popular support and appreciation for Memorial and the expected consequences for civil society in Russia.
Witch-Hunt! Which Hunt?

Witch-Hunt! Which Hunt?

Are Russian media facing a witch-hunt in Germany, after a wave of criticism by the German Union of Journalists? Is Ukraine the most dangerous place on Earth, and the US continuing to instigate violence in Venezuela and France? Russia might seem surrounded by enemies, but at least the country got the witches on their side.
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Cases in the EUvsDisinfo database focus on messages in the international information space that are identified as providing a partial, distorted, or false depiction of reality and spread key pro-Kremlin messages. This does not necessarily imply, however, that a given outlet is linked to the Kremlin or editorially pro-Kremlin, or that it has intentionally sought to disinform. EUvsDisinfo publications do not represent an official EU position, as the information and opinions expressed are based on media reporting and analysis of the East Stratcom Task Force.

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