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"LGBT", 64 results
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Whataboutism at its Best

Whataboutism at its Best

The usual fever dreams of the pro-Kremlin media were out in full force this week, milking the entire spectrum of master narratives that are the hallmark of Russia's disinformation machinery.
Imminent threat of civil war – in Sweden!

Imminent threat of civil war – in Sweden!

Sweden made it back to the disinformation headlines this week. We learned that there is apparently an imminent threat of civil war in this country that enjoys one of the world's highest living standards. Last week in Sweden, so we were told in disinformation outlets, the chief of the National police called for international help since the country is torn to pieces by Muslim immigrants. In reality, he called for increased cooperation between state agencies in vulnerable areas.
Disinformation and information manipulation in Azerbaijan

Disinformation and information manipulation in Azerbaijan

Media freedom and independent journalism are vital for healthy democracies. The attacks on independent media, and restrictions on media freedom in Azerbaijan, create an environment for disinformation to flourish, and for falsehoods and manipulation of the information space to remain unchallenged.
Gazprom’s Double Standards

Gazprom’s Double Standards

In Europe, Gazprom wants to be seen as a reliable business partner. But back home in Russia, Gazprom's TV channel NTV systematically attacks European diplomats and Russian civil society activists.
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Cases in the EUvsDisinfo database focus on messages in the international information space that are identified as providing a partial, distorted, or false depiction of reality and spread key pro-Kremlin messages. This does not necessarily imply, however, that a given outlet is linked to the Kremlin or editorially pro-Kremlin, or that it has intentionally sought to disinform. EUvsDisinfo publications do not represent an official EU position, as the information and opinions expressed are based on media reporting and analysis of the East Stratcom Task Force.

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