
This section of the EUvsDisinfo website features content about China’s information manipulation activities in the global information environment, including guest articles by researchers from civil society and academia.

China’s information manipulation and interference is diverse and comprises various tactics, including those of a coercive nature. These tactics include spreading conspiracy narratives, carrying out disinformation activities on social media platforms and suppressing critical voices globally, also by intimidation and harassment.

The pandemic and Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine have provided further evidence of China’s information manipulation, but also of its alignment with Russia in the information environment – Chinese state-controlled media and official social media channels having provided a platform for sanctioned Russian channels and amplified selected pro-Kremlin disinformation narratives.

25 articles
No Way Back

No Way Back

Putin’s illegal annexations announcement speech took us on a mind-bending ride into an alternative reality and his followers off the cliff with him.
Nord Stream 1 & 2 sabotage - disinformation a la MH-17?

Nord Stream 1 & 2 sabotage - disinformation a la MH-17?

While official investigations are underway, the slinging of disinformation on who is to blame is picking up speed with Kremlin accusations in all directions. Patterns are reminiscent of the Kremlin disinformation seeking to shift responsibility for the downing of Malaysian airliner MH-17.
What to expect from Russia on the information war front?

What to expect from Russia on the information war front?

The Kremlin tried to fill the information space with lies and information garbage in the early days of Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine. And it worked at first. However, Ukrainian governmental and non-governmental centres of communication quickly got their act together on informing the public and resisting Russian…
Disinformation Fuelling Food Insecurity

Disinformation Fuelling Food Insecurity

Russia’s invasion of Ukraine is destabilising global food markets, while Russian disinformation is exacerbating tensions in a bid to deflect blame and undermine global support for Ukraine.
“Biological weapons are banned; biological research is not”

“Biological weapons are banned; biological research is not”

Dr. Jean-Pascal Zanders, founder of The Trench and an independent expert on disarmament questions tells about the crucial differences between legitimate biological research and the development of biological weapons and why Russia is spreading disinformation about biological research in Ukraine
China’s balancing act on the Ukraine war

China’s balancing act on the Ukraine war

Chinese media and officials have made it clear: it is not Russia that is to blame for the military aggression against Ukraine, but the West and NATO’s eastward expansion of the past 20 years, ignoring Russia’s ‘legitimate security concerns’.
Weapons of Mass Delusion

Weapons of Mass Delusion

Disinformation concerning the alleged planning of nuclear attacks or the use of bioweapons dominate the narratives of pro-Kremlin outlets and Chinese state media.
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Cases in the EUvsDisinfo database focus on messages in the international information space that are identified as providing a partial, distorted, or false depiction of reality and spread key pro-Kremlin messages. This does not necessarily imply, however, that a given outlet is linked to the Kremlin or editorially pro-Kremlin, or that it has intentionally sought to disinform. EUvsDisinfo publications do not represent an official EU position, as the information and opinions expressed are based on media reporting and analysis of the East Stratcom Task Force.

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